Why Sew Instead Of Tie? And Yes We Are Talking About Fabric Bows.
If you know Addie personally, you know that she is curious and a “true toddler” All you mommas know what I am talking about. We got many requests for BIG FABRIC BOWS. We never sell our customers anything unless it is toddler tested. Meaning we literally let our children play with the bows. (Dont worry these bows are never sold and only used for testing purposes). They often chew on them, pull on them, throw them, hang trains from them, you get the point. We found an awesome method (we thought) for tying head wrap bows. After perfecting the process we started the testing phase. That lasted all of literally one second. (Thanks Addie.) I had spent 20 minutes tying the perfect looking bow for it to be untied in one second. (insert face palm) so back to the drawing board.
We then decided after discussing our market with Kelly’s mom, who sews many of our handmade items, that sewing the bows together might work. We tried a few different styles before we settled on one we liked. This time we gave the bow to Addie who realized she was the sucker and the bow was still on her head after 20 minutes. PRAISE!
The process takes a little longer than tying but you end up with a bow that stays a bow. Most businesses tie their bows but we aren't like most businesses. We are mommas too and we want our products to last. I don't know about you, but when I buy a product I expect it to last longer than one second.